Thursday, August 16, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Notice of movement
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Monday, February 19, 2007
We can't leave out the notorious 3-storey funnel which... needless to say... ensured the happiness of the crowd. Rock on waffle

Sunday, February 18, 2007
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006
Brave Sir Arthur

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Frozen Throne of the long lost DUCK!!!!
Upon the opening of this doorway to the icy lands of the fridge... we discovered, confined within its borders... a lost soul.. a poor creature of the abiss... a duck, named Frederick (which we guessed). We began to mourn his cruel imprisonment... but were soon cheery again and began to tke photos and swim with him, until he bagan to smell... at which point we placed him back into his chilly chamber of torture.
Goodbye Fred, we'll miss you.
Monday, October 02, 2006
We seem to have lost our co-president of S.A.S.C.A.
Haven’t seen it for many moons.
Around 3 feet tall.
Has a small furry creature called Edmond attached to left ear.
Answers to the name “Betsy the dancing duck”
Ø Has homosexual tendencies.

Ø Attached to extreme emotional issues.
Ø Occasionally bursts out in extreme violent behaviour.
Ø Eats extravagant amounts of cheese.
Ø Performs many self-inflicted sexual acts.
Ø Holds a striking resemblance to Annabelle the sheep (do not get confused).
Ø Drinks vast amounts of goats piss and other excrement.
Ø Has been in various “popular” movies.

If found please contact any of the leading brands in Television sets and washing machines at yourmomeatsshampoo@absolutecrap.cargo.corp
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Rics' Incestual ramblings
- Fatboy (for breaking a chair and your heart)
- Big-dave (for ruining your jacket - i admit i wasn't drunk when i did that, i just didn't like it)
- Blake (Yes it was the first time you saw me like that and i' sure it won't be the last)
- Beej (For what i don't know but i'm sure i did something)
- Blake (You thought i was on acid in a way i was, acid reflux more like it from the funnelling of too much beer)
- The door (I'm really sorry for punching you, no seriously sorry, my hand still f++king hurts)
- The guy who fixes exhausts outside the scout hall (It was me who trashed your corner of stuff, luckily you never left your blowtorch stuff there.)
- Fatboy (for neglecting my martail duties - i realise i was suppose to stop people from doing what i did. Think of it as a trainig session for the other martials :How to handle a raving lunatic)
- Dave (Your jacket isn't that bad)
- Beej (for what i still don't know wait it's coming to me oh yes no wait f++k can't remember)
- Neil (Ypu weren't there)
- Fatboy (for doing it on your couch)
- Anyone else who was offeneded (F++k off)
Friday, September 15, 2006
Spring Party
The organisation of the party began somewhat late and even though there were a few glitches, we still managed to pull it off. The day of the function we proceeded to the store of "party accessories for beginners" and bought a large quantity of alcoholic beverages. With a ticket each person would recieve 8 free drinks!!

The event started off well with all participants being very good sportsmen and proceeded to get completely wasted... whereupon certain people used other people to perform a human bowling exercise.
As the evening went on, the staff were able to drink more and more, hence they got drunk (this weird side effect of drinking alcohol).

Beej will post a follow through of the evening.
Many sausages in a pan with marmite.
I can turn on all the taps in my house.
Yours in Sillyness
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Who's a raving homo?
Good crap talkin day to you fellow comrades
Ok, it was a moment of weakness, i remember putting my head on the floor of that bathroom, a flashback of Arthur laughing at me in my garden and thankfully... waking up the next morning.
Ben... oh ITS ON!!!
I do believe i have been wrongfully accused of certain activities in which i would prefer never to participate in... the evidence is all so overwhelming, how did you find the Di Caprio posters??? And how did you find the G-string, i was wearing it!
In trying to locate some of these pieces of evidence... like the adolescent(found in my space case from primary school)... i managed to uncover some rather interesting pictures myself...

Upon further investigation i found this!!!! How could you cheat on me Ben? Why? am i not good enough for you????!!!!!!!!! I hope the Teddy was good to you Ben, cause its over now, i just can't keep seeing you after this clear act of adultery.

Right... so i'd just like to end this off...
Who is the raving homosexual here???

That's right Ben, you have been found guilty of complete and utter crap by the high court of Lludweiser von cheese and pancakes, you are hereby sentenced to sillyness and nonsense for the rest of your life, good thing you know me. Hence you are required to remain a member of SASCA for your devotion to crap. On behalf of SASCA i would like to congratulate you for your nonsense speaking abilities, you will recieve a prize of absolutely nothing for your efforts!!! keep it up
Sweet dreams baby.
Brought to you by the only crap speaking "Fatboy"
forever faithful to nothing for my existence.... Please don't finish the cheese
"Benjamin!!! Did you pass a solid into the upstairs lavatory?"