Monday, October 02, 2006


Have you seen this monkey???

We seem to have lost our co-president of S.A.S.C.A.
Haven’t seen it for many moons.

Around 3 feet tall.
Has a small furry creature called Edmond attached to left ear.
Answers to the name “Betsy the dancing duck”

Ø Has homosexual tendencies.

Ø Attached to extreme emotional issues.
Ø Occasionally bursts out in extreme violent behaviour.
Ø Eats extravagant amounts of cheese.
Ø Performs many self-inflicted sexual acts.
Ø Holds a striking resemblance to Annabelle the sheep (do not get confused).
Ø Drinks vast amounts of goats piss and other excrement.
Ø Has been in various “popular” movies.

If found please contact any of the leading brands in Television sets and washing machines at yourmomeatsshampoo@absolutecrap.cargo.corp

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